Our website address is: https://richardheinzdogtrainer.com.
Contact forms
If you submit a contact form on our website, all of the information you provide us with will be transmitted through our website server to our inbox. We collect your name, email address, phone number, and other information to serve you. It is kept privately and securely for a period of time to contact you, until it is no longer needed or has no use.
We use cookies on our website to help provide you with a better user experience. You can opt out of using cookies on our website by clicking the banner at the bottom of the page and disabling ‘strictly necessary cookies’. You may also disable cookies in your internet browser. Please note, your user experience may suffer if you choose to disable cookies.
External Links
We have links on our website to external websites, such as YouTube.com. (External links are clickable text/banner/image links to other websites, such as “Watch More?”)
Although we only include quality, safe, and relevant external links, we cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website. Users should therefore note that they click on external links at their own risk. We cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.